Researching the American Revolution

Your source for information on the American War of Independence

John Dickinson


John Dickinson (1732–1808) was a prominent American statesman, lawyer, and writer, known for his influential role in the political landscape leading up to and during the American Revolution. Born in Maryland and raised in Delaware, Dickinson was educated in law in Philadelphia and at the Inns of Court in London. His keen intellect and eloquent pen earned him the moniker “Penman of the Revolution.” Dickinson first gained widespread recognition through his “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” a series of essays that argued against the Townshend Acts and eloquently advocated for the rights and liberties of the American colonies within the British Empire. Despite his initial hopes for reconciliation between the colonies and Britain, Dickinson’s writings significantly contributed to the growing sentiment for American independence.

Dickinson’s contributions extended beyond his written work; he was actively involved in the political machinations of the time. He served in the First and Second Continental Congresses and played a pivotal role in the drafting of the Articles of Confederation, the precursor to the U.S. Constitution. Although he abstained from signing the Declaration of Independence, fearing premature action without foreign alliances and adequate military preparation, he remained a dedicated patriot, serving as a militia officer in the Revolutionary War. Later, Dickinson contributed to the crafting of the U.S. Constitution and was a strong advocate for its ratification. His vision and efforts in shaping the early legal and political frameworks of the United States underscored his commitment to principles of liberty and governance, marking him as a key architect of American democracy.

Primary sources

John Dickinson Papers Project

John Dickinson Papers at the Dickinson College Archives

Secondary Sources

Murchison, William P. The Cost of Liberty: The Life of John Dickinson. Lives of the Founders. Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2013.